Thales Alenia Space to build 32-Gbps C-/Ku-band satellite for Telkomsat Indonesia; PSN’s Nusantara Satu/PSN-6 suffers power anomaly

by Peter B. de Selding

PARIS — The Indonesian government, showing its determination not to lose access to the 113 East orbital slot, ordered a midsize, quick-turnaround C- and Ku-band broadband satellite from Thales Alenia Space with the goal of launching it by late 2024.

The satellite, HTS 113BT, will be operated by PT Telkom Satelit Indonesia, Telkomsat, and is designed to provide more than 32 Gbps of capacity over Indonesian territory as part of the government’s ambitious broadband-deployment plan.

Thales Alenia Space is also prime contractor . . .

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