Eutelsat, China Unicom in MoU preparing a future in-flight-connectivity contract

by Peter B. de Selding

UPDATE: Eutelsat said Feb. 16 that China Unicom's UnicomAirNet signed a multi-year contract for the HTS capacity remaining available on Eutelsat's 172B satellite for in-flight connectivity. Panasonic Avionics had booked, prelaunch, most of the HTS capacity on 172B.

UnicomAirNet (UAN) has signed a multi-year agreement with Eutelsat Asia, an affiliate of Eutelsat Communications (Euronext Paris: ETL), to address the fast-growing in-flight connectivity (IFC) market in the Asia Pacific region.

UnicomAirNet was established in 2017 by China Unicom's broadband network unit and Hangmei, ChineseWi-Fi service and content provider for railways . . .

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